I want to welcome all to our new website. We are excited about having a more dynamic website in which to reach out to ethicists and humanists who are seeking a venue to meet, to learn, and to share their opinions of interests to those who share our concern for ethics through a humanist lens. Our members, visitors, and guests are invited to follow our posts, and give us their feedback via their comments.
For those unfamilair with EHST, we use a congregational model for our community. While addressing important issues in our local, state, national, and international realms, we also seek to build a community of humanists and ethicists who know each other as individuals, having potlucks, sharing joys and concerns at meetings, and via other avenues to build interpersonal relationships. I have been a member of the society since 1994, so I have made long term friendships here, and have learned from others as they share their own life journies with the community. We have also mourned together as some of our members have passed away, and celebrated the good times too. All our meetings are open to the public. We hope you will come to one of our meetings.
We look forward to the exchange of ideas through our posts and reader comments.