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How To Spot a Liar (Ted Talk)
Virtual Program using ZoomEthical people should not lie, right? Well, this Ted Talk looks at lying, and how to spot a liar. But don't get too comfortable, you may be a part of the problem! Pamela Meyer's Ted Talk will educate us, and lead us into a discussion about lying. Here is how her talk is described on […]
The Legal Myth of Fetal Personhood
Solomon Gibson, III, will lead an informational forum discussing a definitive solution for reproductive rights. The strategy that could work toward achieving equality, control, and bodily autonomy. Free and open to the public, this 2-hour presentation will involve Q&A while exploring, among other aspects: A brief history of the abortion issue in America. Why the […]
2022 Fall Meeting of Members and Friends
Each fall, EHST has a meeting of members, friends, and visitors to discuss what has transpired (good, bad, and ugly) for the society during the current year, and what looms ahead for the next calendar year. Our programs, budget, board activity, and needs are reviewed during the meeting. Questions are encouraged, which we will attempt […]
Russ Feingold and the American Constitution Society
Virtual Program using ZoomWe are thrilled to announce that the guest speaker for this All-Society Platform is former US Senator and Current President of the American Constitution Society (ACS), Russ Feingold. Senator Feingold will speak about the ACS, a national network of over 250 lawyer and law student chapters who are working together to offer platforms for discussion, opportunities […]
What is Consensus and How is it Relevant to EHST?
While consensus decision making may not address the many issues posed by our current political polarization, it is a method of achieving agreement by hearing and addressing all pros and cons of an issue or proposal before taking a decision to act. It can be very useful in groups (like EHST) when people are committed […]