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Fighting for Justice in the South
Dr. Kareem Crayton of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice will speak to us about the coalition's programs, which include Criminal Justice, Voting Rights, Environmental Justice, and Human Rights. Kareem Crayton is a widely cited and internationally respected scholar, expert, and consultant whose work centers on the intersection of law, politics, and race. He is the […]
State Abortion Restrictions – What You Need to Know
Many states have passed restrictions on the conditions under which a woman may have an abortion. The restrictions have closed many clinics which provided not only abortions, but also other reproductive and women's health services. What are some of the most egregious of the restrictions? Whom do these restrictions affect? Stan Henshaw, formerly with the […]
After the Storm: Effects of Florence and Michael on Livestock and Farms in North Carolina
In September 2018, Hurricane Florence, closely followed by Hurricane Michael, had a devastating impact on livestock and the environment in North Carolina. Dr. Doug Meckes heads the Veterinary Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and will speak to us about the effects of these storms. Dr. Meckes currently serves as […]
Darwin Day Talk – Eugenics: The Past, the Present, and the Future
(Rescheduled from an earlier date) The term “eugenics” was a word coined by Francis Galton (Charles Darwin’s cousin) to describe the “science of improving human stock” by encouraging the reproduction of the “more suitable races,” so that they would prevail over the “less suitable races.” This so-called “science,” based on poor and incomplete knowledge of […]
NC Stop Torture Now Project
Extraordinary Ventures 200 S. Elliott Rd, Chapel Hill, NC, United StatesDid you know that an airport in Johnston County has been involved in 49 cases of “extraordinary rendition?” Planes launched from there picked up individuals from around the world who were captured as suspected “terrorists” and then taken to countries which condone torture, thus bypassing our own laws regarding torture. The North Carolina Commission of […]