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NC Stop Torture Now Project
Extraordinary Ventures 200 S. Elliott Rd, Chapel Hill, NC, United StatesDid you know that an airport in Johnston County has been involved in 49 cases of “extraordinary rendition?” Planes launched from there picked up individuals from around the world who were captured as suspected “terrorists” and then taken to countries which condone torture, thus bypassing our own laws regarding torture. The North Carolina Commission of […]
A Dialog on Refugees and Migrants
EHST members Atish Sen and Vlodek Gabara will hold a dialog about refugees and migrants, taking both a personal and a historical perspective. They will include global perspectives (beyond the U.S.), and they will offer some differing views on the subject. Questions will be addressed, such as: What are the differences between the two groups, […]
A Greener World – Empowering Sustainable Agricultural Solutions
Emily Moose, Director of Communications and Outreach for A Greener World, will speak to us about the work of the organization and her role in it. In addition to helping farmers get certifications for animal welfare, grassfed beef, non-GMO, and organic foods, they also help you, the consumer, become informed about what labels mean and […]
Addiction Medicine – Dealing with Addiction in Real Time in a Community Mental Health Clinic
(Rescheduled from an earlier date) The Opioid Epidemic is being talked about widely in the media. Dr. Amelia Davis will speak to us about her work in treating opiate addiction. We will specifically focus on opiate addiction, including heroin and various oral pain medications (whether prescribed or street) and various illicit substances. We will also […]
Editing Life: Ethics & Governance of New Genetic Engineering
Jennifer Kuzma, Ph.D., will speak to us on on "Editing Life: Ethics & Governance of New Genetic Engineering." This talk will explore emerging biotechnologies applied to agriculture and ecosystems, namely gene editing and gene drives, and whether developers are repeating the mistakes made with the 1st generation of GMOs while expressing a desire to "do […]