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The Sunday Sessions: What Have We Learned, and What Can We Do?
What have we learned, and what can we do, after seeing "The Sunday Sessions," last week's documentary film? We will break into small groups to consider these two questions, and then reconvene, at which point each group will be given an opportunity to share its findings. I should have included this link in previous announcements […]
Psychology, Philosophy, and the Treatment of Animals
Hal Herzog, author of "Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It's So Hard to Think Straight About Animals," will speak about the intersection of psychology, moral philosophy, and how we treat animals. Mr. Herzog is a professor of psychobiology at Western Carolina University, and a leading expert on the psychology of […]
Fall 2017 Membership Meeting
Each fall, EHST has a meeting of members, friends, and visitors to discuss what has transpired (good, bad, and ugly) for the society, and what looms ahead for us. Our programs, budget, board activity, and needs are reviewed during the meeting. Questions are encouraged, which we will attempt to answer, to allow members and prospective […]
Stone Soup 2017 Celebration
EHST will hold its annual “Stone Soup” celebration. We will tell the story of Stone Soup, and then we will each be given an opportunity to express what we can be thankful for in our lives. (Please note that being "thankful" does not require theism; nontheists can be thankful too!) We will make our own soup […]
Narendra Modi and the Rise of Hindu Fascism
In the election of 2014, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won a clear majority of seats in the Indian parliament and Narendra Modi became the prime minister. BJP was always a right-of-center Hindu party. Under Modi the fascist wing of the party is dominant. This wing is anti everything that is not high caste Hindu. […]