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A Better Justice System
As a followup to the program last Sunday (10/9) we will show the TED talk video "A Prosecutor's Vision For a Better Justice System" followed by a discussion of the talk, and points raised by last week's program. Much news coverage of the excessive use of force by police departments has directed attention to that […]
The Why and How of Effective Altruism (Ted Talk)
We will show the Ted Talk by Peter Singer: The Why and How of Effective Altruism. Afterward we will share our reactions to his talk. In a world with so many problems and human needs, this talk may help you determine how you can be effective. Note that our originally scheduled program for today was […]
Humanist Happy Hour in Pittsboro
Come join fellow humanists for drinks, dinner, and good conversation at our regular Humanist Happy Hour at the City Tap in Pittsboro. We meet here the fourth Wednesday evening each month.
Cooking and Serving at the Chapel Hill Community Kitchen
We are cooking and serving at the Chapel Hill Community Kitchen. Cooks work from 4-6 pm, and servers work from 6-7 pm. If you would like to help, please email us. Our coordinator will be in touch. This is a great way to help those who need a good meal! EHST has been cooking and serving […]
How to Treat Others: From Our Children to Our Country
Randy Best, Leader of the Northern Virginia Ethical Society, will speak on the Ethical Humanist ideal of how to treat others. Starting with the example of changing ideas about better ways to interact with our children, he will talk about inclusion, cooperation, and breaking the cycle of dehumanizing violence. Mr. Best will expand the principles for how to treat […]