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Conservation Farming and Regenerative Organic Agriculture
Conservation Farming and Regenerative Organic Agriculture: Opportunities to Mitigate Climate Change. Judith Lesser of Harland Creek Farm will speak to us about her work in Chatham County at Hill Creek Farm and beyond to foster sustainable farming practices. Ms. Lessler was interviewed by the Abundance Foundation last year about her work.
Autism Talk
All programs are at our customary meeting place, Extraordinary Ventures, unless otherwise noted. We meet from 1:30-3:30 every Sunday unless otherwise noted. All of our meetings are free, and open to the public. Our programs for prior years can be viewed here.
Going Solar and the Risks of Natural Gas
Sally Robertson of NC WARN will speak to us on “Going Solar and the Risks of Natural Gas”. Ms. Robinson is the NC WARN solarize coordinator. She will speak about their programs for helping homeowners go solar as well as about their efforts to get the word out on the risks of methane leakage and Duke Energy’s huge swing […]
Hiroshima Day Commemoration
Eisenhower Chapter 157 Veterans for Peace invites everyone to a Candlelight Vigil to mark the 71st Anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. Please join us as we stand against the "modernization" of our nuclear weapons program and call for the abolition of nuclear weapons of war. Our message: "Never again!" We will distribute information to […]
The End of Water As We Know It
Water is becoming an endangered resource. Some believe that we will fight future wars over water resources. We will show a TEDx Video about this issue, then discuss it's assumptions, implications, and what we can do about it. This is also our first Sunday of the month collection for the Interfaith Council Food Pantry. Please […]