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Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle
a humanist congregation focused on ethics
To see events for the current day, specify today’s date in in the “EVENTS FROM” box below.
Attorney Kate Woomer-Deeters of the NC Justice Center, speaking on tenant rights during the pandemic. She specializes in Immigrant and Refugee Rights at the NC Justice Center. You can view her resource page for Tenants here: https://www.ncjustice.org/publications/updates-for-tenants-during-the-coronavirus/ This talk will be presented via a Zoom session. You do not need a Zoom account to […]
Hemant Mehta will speak to EHST via Zoom about atheism today. Is it the last political taboo? Mr. Mehta has become nationally known for his advocacy for "friendly atheism." You can view his blog via this link: https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/ Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkcu6vrj4iE9BpHVIXTo_4PRO8WqmDfXUp. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing […]
Our national organization, the American Ethical Union, is having its annual Assembly on August 1st. Various items of business will be decided from electing new board members to passing a budget to bylaw changes and resolutions on social issues of importance. We will present what you need to know, and to give our delegates what […]
EHST is delaying its meeting until 3 pm today so that our members can attend the virtual (Zoom) platform which will have music and the initiation of a new Leader (humanist minister) Je Hooper. You do not need to register to attend this program. Here's more information about Mr. Hooper, and a link to join […]
Extraordinary Ventures
200 South Elliott Rd
Chapel Hill, NC
EHST is a member organization of the American Ethical Union. The American Ethical Union is also a member organization of the Secular Coalition of America.