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Calendar of Events
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Recovering Women’s Fundamental Right to Choose
Recovering Women’s Fundamental Right to Choose
EHST member Solomon Gibson, III will present our program today. He will explore an effective strategy on recovering women's fundamental right to choose what she does with her body, how it can be used, and why no one is discussing it. He will also review current strategies, their pros and cons, to restore this right. […]
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Ending Disenfranchisement and Discrimination Against People With Convictions
Ending Disenfranchisement and Discrimination Against People With Convictions
Desmond Meade, Executive Director of Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC), will speak to us via Zoom. FRRC is a grassroots membership organization run by Returning Citizens, Formerly Incarcerated Persons (FIPs) in partnership with allies. Since 2012 FRRC has worked to end the disenfranchisement and discrimination against people with convictions, and creating a more comprehensive and […]
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Facing the Censorship Challenge in Libraries
Facing the Censorship Challenge in Libraries
In today’s climate of challenges to content in libraries, it is more important than ever that librarians and community members work together to defend the right to read and intellectual freedom. Dr. April Dawkins will provide an overview of the current state of attempts to censor and limit access to information in libraries across the […]
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Annual EHST Business Meeting for 2024 for Members
Annual EHST Business Meeting for 2024 for Members
EHST will hold its annual meeting of members. This is a business meeting where the members will (re-)elect board members, and pass a budget for 2024. We will also seek suggestions from members for our priorities for the year. Visitors and friends are welcome to attend, but they will not be eligible to vote. Members […]
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Duties to the Dead – What If Anything Do We Owe Them?
Duties to the Dead – What If Anything Do We Owe Them?
In this talk, Will Kanwischer, Graduate Assistant, National High School Ethics Bowl at the UNC Parr Center for Ethics, will argue that we have duties to the dead, and that when we fail to perform them, we wrong the dead. If he is right, a person’s death does not mark the end of their importance […]