35 events found.
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Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle
a humanist congregation focused on ethics
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Teacher, writer and humanist celebrant Chris Highland will discuss how and why he has written “Highland Views” columns for the Religion pages of a newspaper for 8 years under subjects of freethinking, freeteaching, and freewriting. Sharing snippets of columns as well as stories of interactions with readers—including evangelicals and atheists—reveals the impact of his writing […]
Maura Breidt will present a program on ethical considerations of animal shelters, focussing on Wake SPCA. She is a volunteer there and so will speak from her experiences there. The program will be structured first with an overview of how the Wake SPCA works, and then with some of the ethical dilemmas that it faces […]
2024 American Ethical Union Assembly Platform features Ethical Culture Leader Louise Jett. She will discuss her aspirations for Ethical Culture and the importance of clergy within our movement and Societies. Louise was certified by the Union's Board on the recommendation of the Leadership Committee in June. To watch this event, please register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcoceqopj4pE92Bl1dKa-cWlpkm1WHw9Hbw#/registration
Simone Leiro is the Chief Communications Officer for The States Project, whose electoral work focuses on winning governing majorities in the states by making state legislative campaigns more effective and better-funded. “We do it because we believe that state legislatures are the strongest force for change in this country. When it comes to defending our democracy, […]
Extraordinary Ventures
200 South Elliott Rd
Chapel Hill, NC
EHST is a member organization of the American Ethical Union. The American Ethical Union is also a member organization of the Secular Coalition of America.