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Latest Past Events
Disability Rights in North Carolina
Elaine Whitford of Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC) will speak to EHST about the status of disability rights in North Carolina and how DRNC is protecting the rights of people with disabilities through individual and systems advocacy. DRNC has also recently released a report on suicide in jails in North Carolina. You will want to […]
Charles Morris – Translating Data into Effective Videos
Local film maker Charles Morris will speak to EHST about how he translates data and fact into visual formats via videography. To see an example of how he does this, and to learn about how many jobs recycling plastic bottles provides in North and South Carolina, check out this video. You may view more of […]
Humanist Happy Hour in Chapel Hill
EHST will celebrate our Humanist Happy Hour at Bar Taco at University Mall (201 S. Estes Dr, Suite 3). This is our first HHH at this venue, and we hope that all will enjoy it. It's right next to the Silver Spot Cinema. Note that there is no entrance to Bar Taco from inside the […]