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Editing Life: Ethics & Governance of New Genetic Engineering
March 24, 2019 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Jennifer Kuzma, Ph.D., will speak to us on on “Editing Life: Ethics & Governance of New Genetic Engineering.”
This talk will explore emerging biotechnologies applied to agriculture and ecosystems, namely gene editing and gene drives, and whether developers are repeating the mistakes made with the 1st generation of GMOs while expressing a desire to “do better” with regard to public confidence and trust. Dr. Kuzma will examine key ethical issues associated with how decisions about gene edited crops are being made and how gene drives are likely to be regulated, followed by a group discussion about whether we are on the “right path” (responsible and sustainable) with 2nd generation GMOs. You can read an article by her which is related to her talk:
Jennifer Kuzma, Ph.D., is a Goodnight-NC GSK Foundation Distinguished Professor, School of Public and International Affairs, and Co-Director, Genetic Engineering & Society Center of North Carolina State University.