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The Loss of Roe v. Wade: An Unnecessary Fear
Solomon Gibson, III, will take a look at the legal conundrum that is Roe v. Wade what can be interpreted from it, and the danger of codifying it into federal […]
“DARWIN DAY” – A Celebration of Science, Nature, and the Theory of Evolution
Virtual Program using ZoomWe will be joining the program at the Ethical Society of Northern Westchester at 11:00 a.m. for their Darwin Day Program. Each year their Darwin Day event honors the legacy […]
The Seven Daughters of Eve and Me
The Seven Daughters of Eve is a 2001 semi-fictional book by Bryan Sykes that presents, to a general audience, the science of the origin of humans in Africa and how they spread around the world. […]
What the Times Demand of Us and Our Legislature
Former Chapel Hill Town Council member and civil rights attorney Allen Buansi will discuss the present state of things when it comes to poverty, education, housing and job opportunities in […]
Visiting the Antarctic Peninsula
Local EHST Member, Gretchen Niver, will present a travelogue of her recent trip to the Antarctic Peninsula. Though not an expert on anything about Antartica, she'll discuss her experiences on […]