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Celebrating How We Got Here – The American Ethical Union
Virtual Program using ZoomIn the era of the Third Great Awakening when the Free Religious Association was formed around such moral causes as the abolition of slavery and women’s suffrage, a 27-year-old reformed […]
Am I Doing This Right?
Linda Patterson, EHST member and author, will speak about her new book "Am I Doing This Right." Linda Patterson’s book is a soul searching, sincere, and heartfelt story of a […]
Envisioning the Future of EHST
In the light of the recent programs about the future of the American Ethical Union, EHST will discuss our own future. The future of our humanist congregation will depend on […]
The Mission and Work of the N.C. Justice Center
Rick Glazier, Director of the NC Justice Center, will speak to us about the center, and its work. Here is a brief statement from their website: "As a leading progressive […]
How Radical Hospitality Can Change the Lives of the Formerly Incarcerated
Virtual Program using ZoomOur meeting will feature a short Ted Talk by Dr. Reuben Jonathan Miller, an Associate Professor in the University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy and Practice, […]